
Why Pens with a Purpose?

The process for making each and every uniquely crafted pen, with love and gratitude:

  1. A piece of sacred wood is carefully selected
  2. A colour is chosen to complement the wood
  3. The wood is drilled, glued and hand-turned on the lathe
  4. The pen is then finished and assembled with ritual, which always involves cleansing and smudging with white sage
  5. Each pen is blessed with love and presented for purchase


Lux pens serve a purpose because:

  • Each pen is lovingly created with journaling in mind
  • Each pen is as unique as you are
  • A sense of purpose adds meaning to our lives:
    – The materials and colours are linked to meaning
    – Meanings associate with intentions
    – You set intentions with the written word, to manifest joy & purpose in your life

Mel’s Story

“A daily practice of  gratitude journaling is very full filling.  I love to practice yoga and use smudge and a shamanic egg rattle to clear energy, let go, and pave the way for new manifestations.  My purpose is to help as many people as possible, by giving them meaningful tools to help bring their dreams to life.”

Animals, horses in particular, have played a hugely significant part in my life.  When I lost my best-friend, Cyder (a companion of mine for over 30 years)  I was completely devastated.  I was instinctively compelled to start writing as a way to express my feelings.  I was new to journaling; at first I didn’t even realise that was what I was doing!  But the more I wrote the more clarity, comfort and peace I received.  I wrote every single day and answers to questions started appearing on the page,  as if from Cyder.  I was truly healing ~ and I was hooked!

The process was extremely cathartic, helping me find purpose again.

I want the same for you too.


“Your existence brings a light into this world like no other. Please keep that light shining.”

Mel Williams, Co-Founder,
Lux Products with Purpose Creator

What are the benefits of journaling?

  • Intention Setting
  • Clearing & Clarity
  • Insight and Inspiration
  • Self-Care
  • Cultivate Self-Love